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The Soap Box: Straight to Damascus Road

Mousey LeRoi

Co-Founder/ Editor

MAAFA Screams News Media

Spring 2020 Edition

"Hold to His hand, God's unchanging hand. Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God's unchanging hand." - Jennie Bain Wilson

My most favorite episode of Good Times is Season 1 Episode 2: Black Jesus, where the Kid Dynamite- J.J Evans paints a portrait of Black Jesus which resembles Ned the Wino. Throughout the episode, matriarch Florida Evans contends with the blessings of Black Jesus and the oppression of blonde hair/blue eyed Jesus, relaying that the portrait rendered by young J.J was blasphemous.

Although filled with comedy, this episode speaks volumes to our conditions today, seeing the former as a nuisance and the latter as the remedy for our disintegrated communities. With this observation in mind, we are likened unto Saul in the 9th chapter of Acts- an offender of the brethren.

Acts 9:1) And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest,

2) And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.

3) As he journeyed, he came near Damascus and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven.

4) And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecuteth thou me?

Although Florida Evans meant well, the fact that she could not embrace a Black Jesus detoured her from seeing the Savior within. She, like most of us, had trouble seeing pass the scales of oppression that lingered in her eyes. No matter how many great things were manifested throughout this particular episode, Mrs. Evans found it quite difficult to acknowledge the greatness within herself, husband & children which stifled any chances of unity within the home that would ultimately lead to unity in their proximity.

Hold to his hand, God's unchanging hand...

On May 25,2020, the City of Brunswick gathered around the courthouse for a prayer vigil to bring justice and unity back to the community. Negro leaders, both political & religious, implored residents to plea out to God for forgiveness of their sins, vowing to turn back to His unchanging hand. Hands were lifted as tears flowed for reconciliation and atonement. As prayers were lifted to the Heavens, George Floyd's last breaths were smothered by a knee as he lay on the ground in Minnesota pleading for his life.

Echoing the words of our dearly departed brother Freddie Gray: "I can't breathe..."

Build your hopes on things eternal...

As we continue to pray for a better day, we forfeit our power to appease the wishes of our Negro Leaders who beseech us to remain calm and trust in the Lord! We react to injustice for yet a moment, uttering statements like "Black Lives Matter" & using hashtags as momentary fixes to long-term trauma. We sport t-shirts bearing the faces of individuals murdered in cold blood as a silent statement of memorialization, as we allow the blind to continue down the humble road of free doom paved with promises of golden roads, pearly gates and many mansions.

Hold to God's unchanging hand...

Yet my desire for the Kingdom of God to avenge the atrocities of this world is quieted by seven words:

Behold! The kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21

This sobering statement is the blinding light from Heaven that removes the scales and places the power in the hands of the people. Once we are aware of this power we render ourselves steadfast and unmovable, allowing the Warrior Spirit to prevail against the injustices that we refuse to acknowledge. The Spirit that walked with Gullah Jack, Tunis Campbell, Robert Smalls, Susie King Taylor, Septima Clark, Fannie Lou Hamer and the innumerable Ancestors before us that refused to place their power in the hands of the Heavenlies. The same Spirit that flows through my hands as I write this editorial which causes me to continuously audit myself and motives in this Marathon of life.

It brings me tremendous joy to share this week's edition of MAAFA Screams with you, may we continue to find the rhythm of the stroke.


A. Mousey LeRoi

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